KollegInnen und Berufsverbände


Will Davis Entwickelte die Funktionale Analyse als Therapiemethode
Lilly Davis Arbeitet und lebt in Südfrankreich (bei Nimes).
eMail: lillydavis@wannadoo.fr
Alexandra Federer Funktionale Analytikerin in Hamburg
Dr. Regina Hochmair Radixlehrerin, Funktionale Analytikerin,
Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, MSc Psychotherapie (VT) Psychosoziale, Psychosomatische Medizin
Fr. Dr. Hochmair arbeitet an der Klinik Pirawarth (bei Wien)
und in Wien.
Sie erarbeitete ein Burnout Programm, das die Körperpsychotherapie zum Mittelpunkt hat.

eMail: hochmair@kurhotel-pirawarth.at
Ulrike Brandl Coach | Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie
Sophienstr. 96c 76135 Karlsruhe
Telefon: 0721 38 44 216
Mail: mail@ulrikebrandl.de
Web: www.ulrikebrandl.de
Elisabeth Marshall Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, tiefenpsychologische Körpertherapeutin, Shiatsutherapeutin

Leuschnerdamm 19
10999 Berlin  (Praxis am Engelbecken)
Tel.: 030 / 69565826
Rudolf Müller-Schwefe  Diplom-Pädagoge, Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie, Radix-Therapeut und Ausbilder, Europäisches Zertifikat für Psychotherapie (ECP) - Ausbildung in "Points & Positions", EMDR-Therapeut (Eye MovementDesensitization & Reprocessing)
Mitbegründer des Augsburger Institut für körperorientierte Weiterbildung, Beratung und Therapie



eingetragener Verein (Sitz in München) Berufs- und Dachverband der Körperpsychotherapeut/Innen, Körperpsychotherapie-Verbände und -Institute in Deutschland

E A B P We accredit European Body-Psychotherapists and currently have over 500 professionally accredited members on the EABP Register of European Body-Psychotherapists who are all fully trained and experienced Body Psychotherapists, working in 21 different countries. We list their addresses and phone numbers, and (where available) a direct e-mail contact. There is also information in the Membership section on how to join, Membership criteria, etc.

We also have over 50 Organisational Members. In The FORUM of Body-Psychotherapy Organisations there are 24 Training Organisations and 2 Professional Associations. 18 of the Training Organisations have gone through an accreditation process with us. We are in contact, through these organisations, with about 6,000 Body-Psychotherapists in Europe. There is information here about The FORUM, Organisational Membership, how to join.

We also have information on the site about Body-Psychotherapy Congresses and events, Body-Psychotherapy publications, a new Bibliography of Body-Psychotherapy, a proposed International Journal, the Scientific Validity of Body-Psychotherapy, information about Research and various other articles on Body-Psychotherapy.

There are links to other Body-Psychotherapy sites, EABP member's web pages, contact information about the EABP Board, information about our involvement with the EAP and much much more.

Please go to http://www.eabp.org
E A P European Association for Psychotherapy

The EAP represents 128 organisations (26 national umbrella associations, 18 European-wide associations for psychotherapy) from 41 European countries and by that more than 120.000 psychotherapists.

Membership is also open for individual psychotherapists.

Based on the "Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990" the EAP represents high training standards for a scientifically based and stands for a free and independent practice of psychotherapy.

European Certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP)
The EAP has established a European-Certificate for Psychotherapy whose target goal is mutual recognition and equal conduct of psychotherapy in Europe.

International Body Psychotherapy Journal International Body Psychotherapy Journal -
The fall issue of the IBPJ, Volume 13, Number 2 is now available - download the complete issue free of charge as a pdf file.

Individual articles and abstracts in several European languages are also available.

If you prefer reading a paper copy, or would like to give a present to someone, you can order a print subscription.
The Journal features:
  • Lydia Denton with A Fairy Tale Or the Strange Case of Rose
  • Courtenay Young and Gill Westland with Part 2 of Shadows in the History of Body Psychotherapy.
  • Manfred Thielen on Body Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders
  • Gregory J. Johanson on Somatic Psychotherapy and the Ambiguous Face of Research
  • Eric Wolterstorff and Herbert Grassmann with The Scene of the Crime: Traumatic Transference and Repetition as seen through Alfred Hitchcock’s Marnie.

Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar introduces and edits a new feature of the IBPJ: The Somatic Colloquium with an article by Nick Totton Embodied Relating.
Feedback is given on the article by David Boadella, Stanley Keleman, Will Davis and Akira Ikemi with a response from Nick Totton.

We are also to be found on the Psychinfo and EBSCO databases.